How BCA is getting more job opportunities than B.Tech

A BCA degree can seize you spaces. With a bachelor’s level in computer applications, you can discover a rationally good start in the sequence Technology industry. BCA holders get ajob in IT segments like software military, Business Process Management (BPM/BPO), engineering services and computer hardware. Entry level BCA job salary can be amid 18,000-25,000 INR per month following you complete a short training. You can apply to businesses concerned in IT and ITES segments both in the confidential and public sector.

Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA)

The three-year BCA program contains papers on computer languages, database management, operating systems, software analysis, and software design and client-server technology. Numerous universities presentall over India.


Before preparation for any examination, it is extremelyvital to check out a fewessential but significantpoints. One of the majoritysignificantpointprevious toapply any course is the eligibility. It wants to be checked whether the candidate is eligible for appearing for thedesired course or not. The student who isinvolved in BCA as their superior studies ought to fulfill the subsequent eligibility criterion:

  • Candidate ought to be aninhabitant of India.
  • The candidate has to have passed class 12thor senior secondary examination by means of at least 50% marks as well as English.
  • The 12th examination has to be passed/Appearingby means of mathematics as anessential
  • The smallest age limit is 17 years and the greatestage varies between 22-25 years.
  • The students are usuallyadmitted on the basis of individualmeeting and written examination conducted by a variety of institutes/universities.
  • Some institutes/universities confess student on merit base.
  • The merit is ready on the foundation of candidate’s presentation in the qualify examination (12th).

Courses & Duration

The BCA is an undergraduate amountroute in computer applications for aperiod of 3 years. After implementation BCA, a student can go for MCA which is a master way in computer application with is measuredalike to engineering course B.Tech.

The study phase of BCA includedifferentsubject such as Programming in C Language (vital and Advanced), Networking, World-Wide-Web, Data Structure, superior C Language Programming, Database Management, Mathematics, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming using C++, Visual Basic, Programming using PHP, JAVA, Oracle, Operating system, Web Scripting plus Development, etc.

The course prospectus of BCA is rathercomparable to the route as Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech).


There is anenormousrange in the field of BCA. One can do thejob or can go for senior studies following the conclusion of course.

The self-service option is also obtainable. You can do freelancing or expand your own software if you have that a great dealskill. There isa lot of software MNCs (Multi National Companies) which give thejob to the BCA graduates. If theapplicant has workknowledge and all the essentialnecessary skills then he/she can hold agoodposition in MNCs.

If you want deep information in this meadow, then you can go for higher courses such as MCA and Ph.D. MCA can be particular in system management, systems development, management in order system, etc. After the conclusion of MCA, applicantcanister too gets the job of lecturer in any of the supposed institutions.


Mostly, the admittance to BCA route is complete through the entrance test. A range of Universities/Institutions behavior its own entrance exam for granting admission to their colleges. Some colleges give admission on the basis of value prepared by the score of qualifies examination (12th).

Career & Jobs

The insiston IT professional is rising not only in India but also in overseas. After the conclusion of the course, the student can find a job in supposed IT companies like IBM, Oracle, Infosys, and Google. The student can labor as a system engineer, junior programmer, web developer or as anorganization administrator. This field provides you plenty opportunities to create your career not only in theconfidential sector but also in the community sector. The government association like NIC, Indian Army, Indian Air Force and India Navy also employ thelargefigure of computer professionals for their IT section. After the conclusion of the course a student’s work sketch may comprise:

System engineer in the summit companies similar to Infosys, Wipro, hp, Google.

  • A system engineer develops, test and evaluate software, circuits and not public

Programmer in a variety of software development firm.

  • The task of the programmer is to put pen to paper code for software. A programmer is mainly working in the computer language such as get-together, COBOL, C, C++, C#, Java, Lisp, Python, etc.

Web developer in a variety of web designing companies and online digital marketing companies.

  • A web developer is a programmer who specializes in the development of World Wide Webapplication. The role of aweb developer is to construct and uphold websites. A web developer has to have skill in HTML/XHTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, etc.

System Administrator in an associationcounting a bank, school or college.

  • A System administrator is accountable for setting up and maintains the system or server.

Software developer in the companies similar to Microsoft, Google, Facebook.

  • The sole blame of software developer is to develop software that effortlessness the tasks of the people plusallow to perform work efficiently. A software developer also installs, test and maintain the software.

 Top Recruiters

An integer of top recruiters looks for the fresher degree holder for offering thechance of work with. BCA is one of the severe courses below the IT sector. Here, we have scheduled the celebratedcompanies that engage BCA graduates:

  • Dell
  • Wipro
  • Tech Mahindra
  • Accenture
  • Hexaware Technologies Ltd.
  • Cognizant
  • TCS
  • Syntel
  • HCL
  • NIIT


The IT field is one of the maximum paying fields for a fresher. A computer expert operational in a big MNC can with no trouble get an initial package of Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 40,000 per month. Some IT giants akin to Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Facebook pays even a six-figure salary to a fresh graduate.

Median BCA Job Salary by Profile

(BCA – Entry Level)


Job Title Average Salary Range (Per Month)
Software Developer Trainee Rs.17333
apprentice Programmer Rs.17833
E-commercemanagerial Rs.21000
Technical hold Rs.22200
Server monitor Rs.18500
Networking apprentice Rs.16500
scheme Administrator-Computer Rs.20500
Server manager Rs.21560
Software Engineer apprentice Rs.19500
Bank company Rs. 22250
IT Recruiter tyro Rs. 18500
Online advertising Rs. 22000
Search locomotiveadvertising Rs. 19500
Data organization Rs. 22000
IT supervisory Rs. 21200
Online salepaperwork Rs. 20000
accountorganization Online Rs. 19600
Backoffice Operations Rs. 17500
NonVoiceprogression Rs. 16200

Salary for BCA Fresher’sBy Company

Company Average Salary (Rupees Per Annum)
HCL Rs.240,000- 280,000
TCS Rs.267,000 – 320,000
careful Rs.265,000 – 300,000
Aricent Rs.290,000 – 315,000
Microsoft Rs.300,000 – 360,000
Wipro Rs.275,000 – 325,000

BCA Median income Jobs by practice

Years Of Experience Average Salary In Rupees
0-1 year Rs. 280,000
1-4 years Rs.445,560
5-9 years Rs.764,000
10-19 years Rs.1,127,500

BCA Median Salary by City

City (State) Average Salary In Rupees (Per Annum)
Bangalore Rs.360,600
New Delhi Rs.332,000
Chennai Rs.320,020
Mumbai Rs.332,000
Pune Rs.316,000
Delhi (NCR) Rs.312,000
Hyderabad Rs.310,000

BCA Median Salary Jobs by Industry

Industry Average Salary In Rupees
Information Technology and ITES Rs.486,000
Software as a Service Rs.505,030
Software Development Rs.542,300
Information Technology (Consulting) Rs.626,100
Manufacturing Rs.480,000
Automobile Rs.502,290
Banking Rs.520,100

Median BCA Jobs Salary by Company Size

By Company Size
(Number Of staff)
Average Salary In Rupees
1-9 Rs.267,700
10-49 Rs.260,360
50-200 Rs.272,100
200-600 Rs.305,700
600-2,000 Rs.390,000
2,000-5,000 Rs.455,000
5,000-20,000 Rs. 480,000
20,000-50,000 Rs.550,230
50,000 and higher than Rs.604,000


B.tech (IT/CSE)

History of the Discipline
Computer science (Computing Engineering) is the revision of the theoretical brass tacks of information, calculation, their discharge, and request in computer systems. Computer science has many sub-fields; some highlight the computation of exact results (such as computer graphics), while others tell to properties of computational evils.Still others center on the challenges in implement computations. For instance, programming language theory studies approach to telling computations, while computer programming applies specific programming languages to resolveprecise computational problems.


As several of the companies are doing their big business online and are having the inclusive charisma. The industry is expectant the nano edge where the size would be inversely relative to the computing authority. Very almost immediately we can have agreat computer on desktops.


4 Years


Effects and Use to The Society
The contact of computer engineering is grand to the public. More and more people want to be a computer literacy. Computer software can be the grand boon to mentally challenged people. Computer engineers are conscientious for humanizing and automate the habitual business dealings. The software can be used to school people. Email has alteration the way people can write.
For permission to B.Tech. Course the runner should have accepted in qualifying examination i.e. H.S.C./10+2 or ICSC or comparable The aspirant should also have passed in HSC with Maths and Physics as unavoidable subjects by the side of with any one of following subjects – Chemistry, Computer Science, Biotechnology, and Biology. The nominee also should obtain 50% marks in Physics, Maths and anyone possible subject taken mutually

Admission to straight S. E. course, the applicant should have passed Diploma in Engineering of in first Class only institution documented by all India Council for Technical learning.

Present Status at National and International Level
In a rising country like India Computer Software is one of the prime economic commotions. The quantity of money and job twisted by this industry is more as good as to other industries. Automation of Banks, Online shopping and e-learning are the marginal successful performance examples where national software unyielding has taken up over their international counterpart. Major IT industries are having their offshore development center within India. Many of the manufacturing experts say that if you don’t have a growth center within India, you are not doing the business seriously. Many Indian companies like Infosys, Wipro, and TCS etc. are shining internationally and creation the score.
Placement Opportunity
Due to shot in Software hard work Computer / IT, graduates are having good position opportunity. A student can shadow their career in special sectors of IT like Software enlargement & Testing, ERP, Databases, Web Technologies, R&D, UI Specialist, Mainframes Technologies etc. Ultimately, the engineering degree provides a rigorous coverage to coherent judgment.
 Upcoming Technologies
Keeping up with today’s energetic technology space is a face up to for any institute. Due to the rise in the exact for consumer liking, many of the organization are moving towards computerization. As the compact disk technology is profoundly used in the software, this has enhanced the option for space and fast computer. We can now see quad, dual core processors. The future option would be thefastest looseness, huge space HDDs.


All The Best






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