Scope of civil engineering

Scope of civil engineering
Scope of civil engineering:-

Due to increase in the scope of civil engineering with the passage of time, it has now got diversified into many branches of study. Some of the significant ones include structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, hydraulic engineering, environmental engineering and a few more important areas of study. Engineers are employed by a wide range of companies in the United States, from small startup businesses focused on a new invention idea to large-scale companies that work on immense contracts. Engineers from different fields constantly work together to create successful products. When considering the design and manufacture of an aircraft.

Scope of civil engineering: importance& application of civil engineering

Civil engineers are becoming more & more important with time. Now, they are also responsible for looking after the fire control systems and installing quick fire exit points in the buildings they design. This will help in minimizing the loss of life during fire accidents. Civil engineering is one of the oldest of the engineering professions. Ancient feats such as the building of the Egyptian pyramids and Roman road systems are based on civil engineering principles. Another very important aspect of civil engineering is environmental engineering. In this case, the civil engineers are concerned with applications of various methods to purify the contaminated air, water &soil. The polluted system should be cleaned, the waste extracted and the purified constituent must be sent back to the natural system.

Civil engineers are also responsible for building good quality transportation systems like highways, airports, rail lines, seaports, etc. a civil engineer is concerned with determining the right design for these structures and looking after the construction process so that the longevity of these structures is guaranteed after completion. These structures should also be satisfactory for the public in terms of comfort.

Scope of civil engineering: Job of a civil engineer

A civil engineer is responsible for planning, design, construction & maintaining the structures. A Civil engineer can work in private constructions companies, govt public works organizations & universities. A Civil engineer is also able to do various jobs like:

  1.  Construct canals and dams.
  2.  Survey a site.
  3.  Write a technical report about the area or a project.
  4.  Plot out a Design or Plan of a structure.
  5.  Plot out a Design of the foundation.
  6.  Estimate costs, expenses and ensure economy.
  7.  Construct a structure e.g. buildings, bridges, highways, tunnels, dams.
  8.  Maintain or repair a previously build structure.
  9.  Coastal projects & management of coastal areas
  10.  Design foundation for electrical transmission towers, radio signals etc.
  11.  Teach students in a university.
Scope of civil engineering: famous civil engineering organizations and societies

For every felid of engineering, there is an engineering society available for many people to get together and share information. Engineering societies such as ASME & IEEE have national technical meetings where people can present papers and network with other engineers.

Many societies have local branches who conduct a meeting of interest to the local engineers. In addition to societies for specific fields of engineering, societies also exist for demographics within the engineering profession such as the society of women engineers (SWE). Some of the famous civil engineering organizations are:

  1. Chi Epsilon- civil engineering honorary
  2. ASCE (American society of civil engineering)
  3. AGC (Association of general contractors)
  4. ARTA (American road and transportation builders Association)
  5. ITE ( Institute of transportation engineers)
  6. KSPE (Kentucky society of professional engineers)
  7. NSPE(section of the national society of professional engineers)