Careers in the Field of Engineering


Careers in the field of engineering is very popular due to the prestige, positive job outlook and higher than average salary related to this field. If you are innovative, creative and like to have a challenging career then engineering is a right career for you to moving ahead in your life.   Here are some facts related with career of Engineering.

  • To begin explaining with, Engineering is the field of Applied Sciences and Mathematics to create solutions for solving a problem. An engineer designs and manufactures machines, processes, systems and economic structures. So it can be understood that engineers are inventors. It is very rewarding career for creative and innovative persons around the world and thereto, a great deal of prestige is associated with engineering career.
  • In order to become the best engineer, you should be good at Mathematics and Physics with creative bend of mind with curiosity to manufacture and fabricate new things and projects.
  • In engineering, there exists a very vast and open field to work and as far as technology advances, the scope for engineering also increases. There are more than known 25 recognized career options for students in engineering. A few well known streams of engineering are Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Electrical Engineering, Industrial, Material, Mechanical and Software Engineering.
  • For becoming an engineer, a person should have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college. Engineers happen to be smarter people having skills in Mathematics and Physics. Engineers follow prescribed guidelines, formulas, theories and standards. In the end, for becoming an engineer you should have basic grasp over subjects like Physics and Mathematics.
  • As looking out for engineering jobs, one should not only rely upon ads advertised into scientific journals but other places too. A person should look out for job scope at meeting and conferences. As in meeting or a conference, you meet a variety of people from your area and field of interest. There you can discuss about the job opportunities for rather longer term or for a permanent base.
  • Salaries for engineers lies into the departments in which they work, the highest salary was offered in aerospace preceded by Mechanical, Civil Engineering and Biomedical engineering.
  • As according to a survey, nearly 1.5 million jobs were accounted for engineers. Of those civil engineers held 256,000 jobs, mechanical engineers worked in 227,000 positions, industrial engineers worked on nearly 201,000 positions, electrical engineers on 153, 000 positions and computer engineers 138,000. And as for job prospects, growth engineering employment in India grow as fast as like other occupations till 2020.