How to choose a good college

How to choose a good college

How to choose a good college

If you are still asking yourself why you should go to college, it is important to remember the significant amount of opportunity available for college graduates. The global market is becoming increasingly more competitive, and in order to give yourself the best chance for a well-paying job, you must first understand the importance of college education. If you are getting ready to apply for college and don’t know how to choose between all your different options, you may wish to read the advice below. We’ll walk you through the things you will need to consider when choosing a college to attend!

Tips for how to choose a good college

#Tip 1:  Determine what you might like to study or major in at college.

Many students enter college as “undecided,” and that’s fine, but if you have some plan of a career or a major, that information can help in finding colleges that offer in that field.

#Tip 2: Develop a list of criteria to choose a good college
  • degrees offered
  • majors/minors
  • location (rural or urban setting)/distance from home
  • size of the student population
  • public vs. private
  • Costs (coaching, room and board, etc.)
  • Campus resources (labs, libraries, computer access, etc.)
  • graduation rate/time
  • placement success/internship and co-op programs
  • class size
  • faculty t/classes taught by full-time doctoral qualified faculty
  • quality/reputation/ranking
  • degree of pressure to excel
  • safety (campus, community)
  • Student body (diversity, gender, etc.)
  • Social life (Greek organizations, sports, school spirit, etc.)
  • religious association/independent
  • housing options (dorms, apartments, living at home)
  • realistic entry expectations (based on typical student admitted)
#Tip 3: Compile a list of possible colleges and universities to choose a good college

With at least some idea of the criteria that are most important to you, begin the gathering  phase. You can get college information in books, such as The Fiske Guide to Colleges, which you can find among other college books in our “Teen Books” section. Another resource is college-related Websites, such as “”. Find that Website, as well as many others, in our College Planning Resources for Teens. You will surely also get suggestions from family, friends, and high school teachers and guidance counselors.

#Tip 4: Gather all your resources and information about each college you’re considering to choose a good college.

If you don’t have all the information you want on a particular college, you should consider visiting the college’s Website. And most colleges offer some sort of virtual campus tour, so you can get an early taste of the look and feel of a college from your PC.

#Tip 5: To choose a good college Ask people who are well-known in your chosen field

If you know what you want to do, ask either the director at a place you would aspire to work for or someone with a huge amount of skill in your chosen field. They should be able to tell you good college or programs to get the jobs you want, as well as give you with general advice for preparing yourself for that career pathway.

“You only fail, when you stop trying.”

“Best of luck for your future”.

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