Why get confused while choosing the branch? Each branch has its own distinguished significance. The students should just go on with their interest factor and the hard work which the subject requires.
Mechanical branch is regarded as the Father branch of engineering. This branch works on the principles of design, manufacturing, analysis, production and operation of machinery. These pieces of machinery only become the basis for every other branch as they provide us the finished goods required for other branches to operate on.

Besides this, mechanical engineering is a hard branch as well. The students need to acquire a good knowledge of Physics, Mathematics, and Thermodynamics; else they can face problems later on. Mechanical Branch being an evergreen and a vast branch has been divided into its sub-divisions. These sub-divided branches are:

• Robotics,
• Mechatronics (which is a combination of Mechanical and Electronics branch),
• Aeronautics,
• Electrical Engineering.

Computer science Engineering deals with the theoretical as well as the practical approach of information, computation, implementation and applications of computers. This branch of engineering teaches students different languages, algorithms and systematic study of structures, expression, and mechanization to access the information.

ECE (Electronics & Communication Engineering) is a combination of Electronics as well as Communication. There are many students who get confused by ECE and EEE (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) branches. Electronics has emerged out from the Electrical branch only. Electrical branch deals with high-voltage appliances while Electronics deal with low-voltage. For eg. Generators, Motors, Transformers, etc. are electrical devices while mobile phones, watches, toys, amplifiers, audio players, etc. are electronic devices.

These two branches when combined form EEE branch which is the widely used branch in today’s market as this branch makes a smart work. Like today’s washing machine, Air Conditioners etc has automatic and smart features. A simple machine like earlier ones with no features shows an electrical example but when timers and other automatic features were embedded into these machine’s systems (usage of electronics), this gave us smart outputs. And this is what functions under EEE.

Civil engineering is a stream which deals with the physical, constructional, structural, geotechnical, coastal and environmental designing. These engineers are concerned with the planning layout of any road, dam, building, bridges, etc. The students under this branch have a huge scope in public sectors as well.
I hope the above piece of information will provide help to the students in choosing the branch.