Scope of Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is one of the most prevalent engineering courses in India. It has been one of the chief driving forces of high technology over the past few decades. Electrical engineering is swiftly growing not only within core areas; wireless communications and mobile technologies but also in other areas such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, and biomedical engineering. It is one of the biggest and most diverse technological and engineering disciplines in today’s world. So, the scope of Electrical Engineering is high and it provides limitless possibilities. It has also significantly impacted several other fields such as nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, neuroscience, and biotechnology, to name a few.

 Scope of Electrical Engineering– Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering deals mainly with information systems and with power and energy systems. Energy is transmitted from one place to another and power is converted from one form to another. Electrical engineering is the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism for the development and maintenance of electrical and electronics equipment such as electric motors, navigation systems, medical devices, broadcast and communication systems, power generation systems, electrical distribution systems, electric grids etc. which adds to the scope of Electrical Engineering in the upcoming era.

Some sub-disciplines of electrical engineering are digital computers, instrumentation, and microelectronics. India is home to well-known universities for electrical engineering, both at the undergraduate and graduate level. It has many areas which provide plenty of opportunities which will never question the scope of Electrical Engineering ever.

Scope of Electrical EngineeringCourses at the undergraduate level

B.E/B.Tech: A bachelor’s degree as B.Tech/B.E in ECE is offered by numerous private and government universities across India.

Integrated M.Tech: A 5-year dual degree course offered by many universities. At many universities, along with a B.Tech in electrical engineering, you can get your M.Tech in specialized fields of Electrical Engineering such as information and communication technology, fiber optics and light wave engineering, communication engineering etc.

Scope of Electrical EngineeringCurriculum for Electrical Engineering:

The first year of engineering will cover elementary science courses such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and an overview of other engineering disciplines with basics such as mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electronics, introduction to computers etc. which will surely give you the idea about how powerful and high the scope of Electrical Engineering is.

The second and the third year will expose students to core subjects in electrical engineering. For students, the core courses are signal processing, microprocessors and wireless systems, analog and digital circuits, semiconductor physics, semiconductor devices, communication theory, mobile communication and digital communication.

The fourth year will introduce students to a few more core courses such as electives, and courses related to management and economics. The final year project is usually during the final semester but some universities expect students to start their final year project right from the beginning of the fourth year.

Scope of Electrical EngineeringNeed to know about this field:

Electrical engineering plays a very vital role in supplementary areas as well such as biomedical engineering, both Nano and bio technology, to name a few. Therefore, a lot of options will be open to you so that you can do specializations in the field in future. Since it is also quantitative heavy, other than the good scope of electrical engineering students will also have the best future in business and management fields as well.

The future for this field looks abundant considering the number of innovations happening in areas such as mobile technology, wearable devices, nanotechnology, and robotics. Since electrical engineering is constructed on the fundamentals of physics and mathematics; it is important for students to be an expert in the basic sciences in order to grasp advanced concepts of electrical engineering. Therefore, there will be a lot of competition, be it in admissions to B.Tech programs, job hunt or higher studies.

Scope of Electrical EngineeringCompanies:

Job openings are good in this field. However, when it comes to placements in India, there is a limitation. Unlike other disciplines, there are not as many core electrical and electronics companies in India, apart from companies such as Qualcomm and Intel. So, if you want to find a job in a core company you will have to work very hard and wait for a while, it also depends on the reputation of your university. Electrical Engineering degree will provide a global arena of options but you have to bang it to become successful.

This provides plenty employment scope for electrical engineers in the government sector as well as in private companies, which are also investing huge amounts in this field.

Today, electrical engineers have become crucial to the society, thanks to the increasing demand for electrical energy, the expansion of audio and video communication systems and the automation industry. Whatever the field you may choose, be sure with your choices and interests. Don’t follow the crowd.

Hope you have got what you were looking for, from this blog.